Home Tucson Info The Inside Look at the Varying Types of Tucson Weather Patterns Microbursts Can Be A Scary Experience Here in Tucson, AZ

Microbursts Can Be A Scary Experience Here in Tucson, AZ

Microbursts develop thanks to rain that cools the surrounding air. Because cool air is more dense than warm air, it falls rapidly out of the sky and fans out in all directions. Winds within a microburst can exceed 50 MPH, potentially causing damage within a small area.

During monsoon season, we have plenty of these. They can spark a flash flood with just a snap of the finger. They are also very dangerous to incoming plans trying to land at the airport.

With that said, Mother Nature really has some spectacular weather patterns to look at from afar but when stuck under a microburst, yeah, not so much. Stay dry, stay safe!

Have a great day,

Tony Ray
(520) 631-TONY (8669)

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