Indian Twist

My Description:

You walk into the door of Indian Twist and you see the Tandoor oven, which is used to prepare many of the dishes on the menu. You can enjoy the vast menu either at the restaurant, which is served family style, or as take-out to enjoy at home. If you want to come in for lunch, you will be greeted by a lunch buffet, which is served daily. If you love Indian food, you must put Indian Twist on your short list of venues!

Service Description:

Indian Twist’s menu is varied and extensive, with many dishes prepared in the Tandoor oven which is visible when you walk in the door. Our dishes are served family style at dinner, and we offer numerous vegetarian options, as well as poultry, lamb, and seafood dishes. We have a full bar, with Indian beers on tap.

Tony Ray Baker

Tony Ray Baker

Full Time REALTOR® Since 1994
Tony Ray Baker

Tony Ray Baker, ABR, CRS, GRI, EcoBroker, NARgreen
(520) 631-TONY (8669)

Full Time REALTOR® Helping Buyers and Sellers with Residential Real Estate in AZ Since 1994
Tierra Antigua Realty- 216 E Congress Street Tucson, AZ 85701 Equal Housing Opportunity