How To Choose A REALTOR

A Fool Proof Guide: How to Choose a REALTOR® You Can Trust

Choosing the right REALTOR® can be a daunting task. When there are so many to pick from and so much sales information to sort through, it’s enough to turn the best of us batty.

Have no fear, my friends. I am here to share with you how I was able to locate and choose a great REALTOR® without any contacts or references and was able to create a trusted advisor and guide who helped me land the home of my dreams.

How to Choose a Realtor Tip #1: Choose a REALTOR® with a Web Presence

I am not talking about a cliché personal website that includes a few listings and cheesy write-up of why they are the best REALTOR® around and why you can trust them. If they were the best, they wouldn’t need to be trying to convince the internet.
I am talking about finding someone with a dynamic well-rounded website that gives valuable information that informs and teaches. We are looking for someone genuinely interested in helping and educating others, not someone who is cheesy and is looking for fast money. Do your homework. Check out their social media pages. Hopefully, they have them. See how built up the pages are, notice how they speak and interact with others.

How to Choose a Realtor Tip #2: Choose REALTOR® who is Technology Driven

Do they know how to use a computer? LOL. This may sound basic but there are many REALTORS® out there who have failed to keep up with the times and have dated inconvenient methods. This is not something you want to deal with. You should be able to sign your documents on an iPhone and utilize the latest technological conveniences.

Pick someone savvy, smart and up-to-date because you can. You want a REALTOR® who knows the latest tips and tricks to market your home in the best light. Is your potential realtor offering 3D Home Tours? Do they shoot video of your home to share and showcase it all over the internet? Do they hire a professional photographer and videographer to show your home? What marketing channels will they be using to share and showcase your home?

How to Choose a Realtor Tip #3: Choose a REALTOR® who has a Minimum of 5 Years Experience

There are a lot of details and nuances to know about paperwork, lending, negotiating, ect.. and that takes time to learn and develop. Ask whoever you are considering how long they have been in business. Like Malcolm Gladwell said in the book Outliers, it takes 10,000 hours to be an expert at whatever you choose. Id your realtor offering you their earned expertise?

How to choose a realtor
Make sure your realtor is connected to the community

How to Choose a Realtor Tip #4: Choose a REALTOR® who is Connected to the Community

A realtor can be an invaluable resource in connecting you with other helpful business leaders in your community, especially if you are new to town. Maybe you want to buy a fixer upper and need to find connections for people who can help fix up your house, maybe you are looking for lenders who can offer the lowest rates, maybe you’ve never owned a home and need help learning how to be a good homeowner. Having a REALTOR® who knows many people in the community and is in the know will prove to be a valuable asset.

How to Choose a Realtor Tip #5: Choose a REALTOR® who has Great Client Reviews.

When you do your social media homework maybe you will stumble upon client reviews. If so, read them. See how other people’s experiences were. You can even ask the REALTOR® for personal references of past clients that you can call.

Alright, you are ready to begin your online search to find an amazing REALTOR® who will help guide you, go to bat for you and be your new friend and ally. 

Now start searching. Trust your intuition and go with your gut. Look for someone who you like and trust and pick a REALTOR® you won’t mind spending a lot of time with. They will be walking you through and educating you through a process that takes different amounts of time, depending on individual situations. Keep in mind, it’s not uncommon for your REALTOR® to turn into a valuable contact and maybe even a friend; that’s what happened when I connected with Tony Ray Baker.

Not only did we become business contacts and friends, now I even work for him. After I put an offer on my home I ended up laughing the night away over a bottle of wine and the rest is history. Tony Ray wants to note that wine is not guaranteed if you choose that working with him is the right choice for you. LOL. Best of luck! You got this! If you have any questions send us a message.

Tony Ray Baker

Tony Ray Baker

Full Time REALTOR® Since 1994
Tony Ray Baker

Tony Ray Baker, ABR, CRS, GRI, EcoBroker, NARgreen
(520) 631-TONY (8669)

Full Time REALTOR® Helping Buyers and Sellers with Residential Real Estate in AZ Since 1994
Tierra Antigua Realty- 216 E Congress Street Tucson, AZ 85701 Equal Housing Opportunity