Millville Neighborhood was traditionally an industrial area serving Tucson and surrounding areas within reach of the Southern Pacific Line. Bordering the rail line to its East, the neighborhood supplied Ice by rail car to nearby cities and towns in the 1930’s and 40’s. Today, you will find a thriving neighborhood of historic industrial and modern components providing eateries, breweries, indoor auto racing, rock climbing and existing businesses cohabitating side by side with an urban industrial flair. This area continues to develop and grow due to its proximity to downtown and the many bike and walking paths it offers.
How to Browse For Homes:

The following MLS listings represent the total movement of homes in the Millville neighborhood for the last 6 months. The listings at the top are the currently active listings, so those are the ones you are able to buy. Following those, you can see homes that have sold in your desired neighborhood to get an idea of what types of homes are available and what it costs to move into Downtown Tucson Real Estate. Once you find something you like, simply click “Schedule Showing” from the listing and I’ll get in touch with you to set up your personal home tour!
[idx_listing_summary title=”Millville Neighborhood Homes For Sale” source=”location” property_type=”A” location=”MapOverlay=20160922224355793247000000&Millville Neighborhood” display=”all” sort=”recently_changed” status=”Active”]