KOLD News Vicki Carr joins us live this morning and Vicki you say changes could be on the way.
Yes Wendy, so right now I’m in the Menlo Park neighborhood and with big developments like Caterpillar just down the street going up, I’m told that the demand for houses like this one could increase. So if you’re looking to buy or sell listen up. I sat down with real estate agent Tony Ray Baker, he says right at the gate be careful when getting pre-qualified online.
Baker tells me there are scams that are going around. Now if it’s your first time buying a home really do your homework. He says don’t miss out on any assistance options that you may qualify for and if you’re looking to move pay close attention to your equity, that’s because it could benefit you of you’re looking to move up in home. Now Baker says from now until August, It’s all hands on deck. He says Tucson’s housing market is on Trend to be very similar to last year and the year before but other factors could bring changes down the line.
There’s a lot of major economic growth going on right now. So with caterpillar and Amazon and hexagoH and those folks coming in, we could see a shortage in the higher priced homes.
Now Baker tells me that the latest housing numbers were good and he expects that to continue for now. Reporting live this morning near downtown Vikki Carr kold news 13 live local late breaking.
Thank you very quickly, any word on which homes are selling the most right now?
Well Wendy, Baker tells me that the homes from the 200 to 300 thousand dollar range are the ones that are selling the most.
Nicki thanks for that live report get information.
Menlo Park Description
At the west end of the new street car line you will find the newest evolution of an area which has been continuously inhabited for over 4,000 years. This is Menlo Park. From early native peoples and Spanish settlements excavations in the area attest to a thriving community which now offers and upscale feel with the history of the barrio. Anchored by the Mercado, upscale custom homes, eateries and shops and an open air courtyard. The Mercado has quickly become a go to destination. Historic homes date back to as early as 1877. The 1917 William Bray House is located here and is a prairie-style building influenced by architect Frank Lloyd Wright. From Sentinel Peak high above, you get a panoramic view of Tucson and the entire valley. Mission Gardens is a unique historic garden developed as a re-creation using seeds of trees descended from plants transported by Spanish missionaries centuries ago. It is intended to become a historic, living agricultural museum.
How to Browse For Homes:
Downtown Tucson Neighborhood Map
The following MLS listings represent the total movement of homes in the Menlo Park / Mercado District neighborhoods for the last 6 months. The listings at the top are the currently active listings, so those are the ones you are able to buy. Following those, you can see homes that have sold in your desired neighborhood to get an idea of what types of homes are available and what it costs to move into Downtown Tucson Real Estate. Once you find something you like, simply click “Schedule Showing” from the listing and I’ll get in touch with you to set up your personal home tour!
[idx_listing_summary title=”Menlo Park Homes For Sale” source=”location” property_type=”A” location=”MapOverlay=20160922224355031954000000&Menlo Park Neighborhood” display=”all” sort=”recently_changed” status=”Active”]