Just north of Broadway and nestled between downtown and the U of A is the Iron Horse Neighborhood. Trains were often referred to as an Iron Horse and the namesake neighborhood had rail road roots. Southern Pacific required employees to live within one mile of the tracks in order to hear the whistle blow which was a signal to report to work. Today, the neighborhood has many biking and walking paths along with 180 historical properties. A small, historic neighborhood with homes dating back to the 1800’s of bungalow and Queen Anne, beside Adobe and Territorial styles. The eclectic neighborhood has strong roots and is home to the Historic Coronado Hotel and charming shops and markets. The appeal of connectivity has not been lost on younger people who have adopted the area as home.
How to Browse For Homes:

The following MLS listings represent the total movement of homes in the Iron Horse neighborhood for the last 6 months. The listings at the top are the currently active listings, so those are the ones you are able to buy. Following those, you can see homes that have sold in your desired neighborhood to get an idea of what types of homes are available and what it costs to move into Downtown Tucson Real Estate. Once you find something you like, simply click “Schedule Showing” from the listing and I’ll get in touch with you to set up your personal home tour!