Home Home Buyers Neighborhoods Barrio Viejo Neighborhood

Barrio Viejo Neighborhood

Barrio Viejo Homes For Sale
Barrio Viejo Homes For Sale

West of Armory Park and south of Cushing street, Bario Viejo, Spanish for Old Neighborhood, is nestled amongst the Tucson Convention Center to the north and the New Fire Station to the West. The neighborhood is also among Tucsons’ historic districts and is reminiscent of the towns development in the 1870’s. The distinctive, continuous adobe facades along the street front were common as people and communities would walk and cars were few and far between. The area is now made up of residences offices and shops and is believed to contain the largest collection of 19th century adobe buildings in the United States. Conveniently located near downtown and I-10 it continues its long tradition of connectivity.

How to Browse For Homes:

Downtown Tucson Neighborhood MapDowntown Tucson Neighborhood MapThe following MLS listings represent the total movement of homes in the Barrio Viejo neighborhood for the last 6 months. The listings at the top are the currently active listings, so those are the ones you are able to buy. Following those, you can see homes that have sold in your desired neighborhood to get an idea of what types of homes are available and what it costs to move into Downtown Tucson Real Estate. Once you find something you like, simply click “Schedule Showing” from the listing and I’ll get in touch with you to set up your personal home tour!

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Search for Homes in Tucson with Tony Ray
Tony Ray Baker

Tony Ray Baker

Full Time REALTOR® Since 1994
Tony Ray Baker

Tony Ray Baker, ABR, CRS, GRI, EcoBroker, NARgreen
(520) 631-TONY (8669)

Full Time REALTOR® Helping Buyers and Sellers with Residential Real Estate in AZ Since 1994
Tierra Antigua Realty- 216 E Congress Street Tucson, AZ 85701 Equal Housing Opportunity