(520) 762-FAIR
Pima County Fair
11300 S. Houghton Rd.
Pima County Fair

The Pima County fair is one of Tucson’s most popular things to do! Every spring the Pima County Fairgrounds comes alive to host thousands and thousands of people and animals in an eleven-day celebration of food, music, and fun.
The Pima County Fair is not your everyday fair. Sure, it has awesome carnival rides, games, and food, but there is so much more to do!
For example, this year the Fair will host Cody Simpson, Boyz II Men, Middle Class Rut, and Ted Nugent in concert! These performances are included with admission to the fair—what a great deal!
The County Fair also has fire dancing performances, hypnotists, pig races, a freak show, and a petting zoo! 4-H is an important part of the Pima County Fair, so if you’re an animal lover this is a great event for you. You can see horse shows, wild horse and burro adoptions, and much more.
There are many great local business deals for discounted tickets to the Pima County Fair, so be on the look-out. This event is fun for the whole family (especially with the new Bigger and Better Kiddie Land Carnival), so don’t miss it!
General admission is $8, kids ages 6-10 are $3, and kids 5 and under are free!