(520) 741-2233
Fiesta de los Vaqueros
4823 S. 6th Ave
Fiesta de los Vaqueros

Holding true to our Wild West roots, every year Tucson holds La Fiesta de los Vaqueros, the Rodeo! Better yet, public schools in Tucson even have Thursday and Friday of rodeo week off!
Every February, the Rodeo starts on a Saturday and continues through the week, coming to a peak on Friday for the Rodeo Parade. People of all ages participate in the many rodeo events, and many times whole families are involved.
2012 will be the 87th year of La Fiesta de los Vaqueros in Tucson! Every day of rodeo week you can head down to the rodeo grounds and watch a whole day’s worth of events, from Mutton Bustin’ to Junior Rodeo, to Barrel Racing and Roping. At the end of the day, you’re invited to the Coor’s Barn Dance for great “cowboy” food, drinks, and live country music.
The Rodeo Parade is one of Tucson’s largest and most beloved public celebrations. Each year Tucsonans gather to show off over 200 handcrafted floats and many gorgeous outfits. Public schools are not in session on the day of the Rodeo Parade, so thousands of people watch the parade. This is assuming they aren’t already participating in it!
Individual tickets are available for purchase, as well as ticket packages. Prices vary depending on the day. Over 50,000 people coming to the Tucson Rodeo each year. It is definitely one of the best things to do in Tucson! So grab your boots and cowboy hat and head on over to La Fiesta de los Vaqueros!